Back in April of 2009 the poor decision was made to get these decks produced by Natural Manufacturing outta North Carolina... 1st of all the order never came in full and what did come was weeks late... 30 of 100 decks arrived with a shipping charge of $325!! This Butch Maultsby the owner of Natural MFG charged the Hermann's Hole account for this ridiculous shipping cost without consent and never answered emails or phone calls... EVER!! Also of the 30 decks we did get 20 were the wrong color!! So in many attempts to resolve this matter Butch still never got back with answers until months later when his bank contacted him with disputes from our bank.. At that time he contacted Hermann's Hole asking "what was wrong with the product?" as if he had even sent the product, and not just deducted $3000 dollars from our account... Then went into hiding.
Mr. Maultsby, What happened dude? You could've just told me what was going on... Now you're not to be trusted along with the rest of your unorganized skateboard company... In the future Hermann's Hole decks will be quality from and honest manufacturer. No thanks Butch!!

EJ goes frontside hammer grab on a Hermann's Hole deck in a NC ramp... Thanks for representing duder!! Hopefully this post will not get you in trouble with your crew.