1 week ago today was the 2nd annual Birthday party for the Nucleus of Hermann's Hole & it was awesome!! All together there were at least 100 people in attendance... Skaters from all parts of the country traveled to Missouri for this epic skate session!!

Zubin Eggleston outta Seattle Diego, Caliwashington with a backside smith in the shallow of the Nucleus.

Manny Maire with a blunt grabber to fakes!!

Brandor the breakfast chef.

Good morning campers!

Jefferson City's 9 year old prodigy skater Manny Maire was jumping into the bowl with no parachute every chance he got!!

Scotty Laird winning best trick of the day with a 50-50 smasher on the top rope 270 out into the Piano key pocket!! (he also landed about 25 other sick tricks on each piece on concrete in the yard)

For the BIG BOWL contest....
1ST PLACE: SOUP for deep end roll ins, death box grinds, style points, and mucho contribution.
2ND PLACE: MANNY MAIRE the ripper outta Jeff City with an acid drop into the 8ft deep end, and loads of other crazy moves most 9 year old kids wouldn't ever even try.
3RD PLACE: ZUBIN EGGLESTON was shredding all the walls the way a pool should be skated!!
WORST/BEST SLAM: BRIAN(THE GENERAL)PATTON for a backside tail block on the death box.. GOOD TRY SIR!!
Michelle Buck of SHOW ME POOLS was given a prize for being the only female to ever drop in, front side grind the deep end, and more importantly designing the bowl in the beginning... Thanks again!!
For the Mini-flow-Bowl.....
1ST PLACE: SCOTTY LAIRD with a oversized bag of tricks. Y'all who weren't there are gonna have to wait for the video post.
2ND PLACE: MANNY MAIRE the 9 year old ripper again with a backside 360 on the hip, and any time blunts!!
3RD PLACE: LANCE ROTHENBERGER of Columbia, Mo. popping a neck high front side flip on the hip from outta no where!
We also gave a prize to Nate Henderson of O'Fallon, Missouri for "Most Technical Trick" .. He blasted a popshuv late kickflip on the tranny bank smooth like butta.. That was sick NATE!!!

There was a special guest appearance by Glenn & Kevin Stallings of Belleville, Illinois..... A load the "Belleville Boyz" showed up to shred!! Thanks to the Stallings Brothers for dragging the young guns out to Missouri!!!

A huge Hermann's Hole THANK YOU to all who came out & helped out!!